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Michigan's Invasive Species Community

McKenzi Bergmoser

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Everything posted by McKenzi Bergmoser

  1. Please feel encouraged to share this video on any and all platforms! Thanks, McKenzi
  2. Please help us share a this great Phragmites video put together by LSC CISMA partners. This is the first of a series of IS videos. If you would like the video in another format, please let me know. Thanks, McKenzi
  3. Hello, We are wondering, what other CISMAs around the state are doing / promoting to road and drain commissions for decontaminating their equipment? Are you enforcing this protocol? If so, how? What equipment is best used for mobile decontamination of mowers / excavators / trucks? Have there been any suggestions to make this practice easier to implement so it is widely adopted? Thanks, McKenzi
  4. Join the Lake St. Clair CISMA for a variety of FREE upcoming events! June 19 - PAMF Training June 22 - Mobile Boat Wash June 26 - MISIN Mapping SEMiTrainingFlyer.pdf River Bends_MISIN_Map_June 2019.pdf MBW Events_2019.pdf
  5. 2019 Spring & Summer Events_update.pdf SEMiTrainingFlyer.pdf
  6. Hello, How do other CISMAs approach the disposal of dead (formerly treated) phragmites australis biomass when burning is not an option? Are there contacts (DNR/ DEQ) that can assist in finding facilities that accept invasive species materials? Are there other options to remove and dispose of phragmites that do not include burning or transporting to a land fill (bury/smothering with material?)? The phragmites in question would be excavated from county drains (above and below ground biomass), after two years of treatment. A fear of mine is transporting phragmites to a landfill and accidentally facilitating the spread (during mobilization or) by bringing it to a facility that does not take the appropriate actions when disposing/ containing the material. Thank you, McKenzi
  7. Thank you so much for the information, Nor! It is very helpful!!
  8. Hello, Do other CISMAs have a Monitoring Template that they are willing to share? Species specific and general invasive species monitoring plans are both encouraged. LSC CISMA is currently most focused on phragmites along road right-of-ways, drains, retention ponds and adjacent areas. However, monitoring phragmites in marshes, Great Lakes/ inland lakes, and monitoring of other invasive species would be useful for future efforts. Thanks in advance, McKenzi Bergmoser
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